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Law Office of Ernest Gonzales
112 E Lemon Ave Monrovia, CA 91016
Telephone: (626) 305-5860

Child Support Calculator

Calculating Child Support in California

Calculating child support in California in most cases involves basic information

1. The Gross Earnings (before any taxes or other deductions) of each parent (new spouses or significant other income could impact support amount). The last paycheck stub is what the court will look at. Self employment is more difficult to calculate, it requires financial information consisting of tax returns, bank statements and other data. 

2. The percent of time the non-custodial parent spends with the children (add up how many nights in the last several months the children have spent with the other parent, for example 33% (10 days divided by a 30 day month).

3. Court Allowed Deductions:
A. Do you or the other parent pay for health insurance?
B. Do you or the other parent receive/pay child or spousal support?
C. Do you or the other parent own a home
D. Do you or the other parent pay Union Dues
E.  Do you or the other parent have mandatory retirement (usually applies if Union dues paid).
F.  Do you or the other parent have other children under age 18? 
G. Do you or the other parent have daycare costs for the children to be supported?

California child support is based upon a formula contained in the California Family Code Section 4055. The formula can be viewed at the FindLaw California Code - Family Code 4055. This formula sets forth exactly how child support must be calculated. Almost all courts in California rely on a child support calculator provided by several private companies. I utilize the XSpouse calculator.  Every Judge in California is required/mandated to follow the formula set forth in Family Code 4055. 

Many clients will ask if rent, food, utilities, credit cards, car payments etc. are factored into the Child Support Calculation: the answer is NO. The only deductions to income are specifically set forth in the Family Code. The Child Support Calculator Data questionnaire set forth below lists some of the most common deductions that apply in most support cases. Your case may have a deduction not listed in the questionnaire, for example a special needs child with unusual uncovered medical expenses. This can be noted in the Deductions/Miscellaneous box in the questionnaire. 

The information submitted in the Child Support Calculator Data questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential. Please do not provide any personal confidential information (social security numbers/dates of birth/addresses). Based upon the information provided, I will review your responses and will calculate a child support amount using the data you provide. Any child support amount is only an estimate and should not be relied upon as a final legal opinion of support or a legal argument to be made to any court. The information provided is a starting point in most cases to give you an idea of the support you may be entitled to pursue against the other parent or what you could be obligated to pay.

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